KARRATHA St Paul's Easter Liturgies


Palm Sunday Vigil 12 April 6.00pm
Palm Sunday 13 April 9.00am Mass
Holy Thursday 17 April 6.00pm Mass of the Lord's Supper
Good Friday 18 April 10.00am Stations of the Cross
    3.00pm Passion of Our Lord
Easter Vigil 19 April 7.00pm Vigil in the Holy Night
Easter Sunday 20 April 9.00am Resurrection of Our Lord 

DAMPIER St Peter's Church

Palm Sunday 13 April 7.30am Mass
Good Friday 18 April 8.30am Stations of the Cross
Easter Sunday 20 April 7.30am Mass of the Resurrection


Easter Mass will be celebrated Sunday  27 April 11.00am Mass of the Resurrection

PANNAWONICA Church of Our Lady 

Easter Mass will be celebrated Sunday 27 April 4.00pm The Resurrection of Our Lord

WICKHAM Our Lady of the Pilbara 

Palm Sunday Vigil 13 April 4.00pm Mass
Easter Vigil 19 April 4.00pm Easter Vigil in the Holy Night