KARRATHA - St Paul's
(Established: 1974)

Welcome Road, Karratha WA 6714
PO Box 269, Karratha WA 6714
Office Ph: 08 9185 1443
Presbytery Ph:  08 9103 5882
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Parish Priest      : Fr Tai Trinh
Assistant Priest : Fr Dominic Hoang

Mass Times
Monday - Friday 5.30pm
Saturday 6:00 pm
Sunday 9:00 am
Reconciliation Times
Saturday 9.30am - 10.30am


DAMPIER - St Peter's
(Established: 1966; church opened 1969)
Cnr Church Road and High Street, Dampier
For all enquiries contact Karratha Parish (details above)


Mass Times Sun 7:30 am
Reconciliation Times
Sundays 6.50am - 7.20am


altWICKHAM - Our Lady of the Pilbara
(Established: 1977)
Lot 138 Carse Street, Wickham WA 6720
PO Box 110 Wickham WA 6720
For all enquiries contact Karratha Parish (details above)


Mass Times
Saturday 4.00pm
Reconciliation Times
30mins before mass every Sundays


PANNAWONICA -Church of Our Lady
Mass once a month
For all enquiries contact Karratha Parish (details above)

ONSLOW - Onslow Anglican Church (St Nicholas)
Catholic Mass once a month in
For all enquiries contact Karratha Parish (details above)

Towns of Karratha, Dampier, Onslow and Pannawonica