Bishop Justin Bianchini is eighth Bishop of Geraldton in Western Australia. Born in Subiaco Western Australia on 28 January 1941, Justin Joseph Bianchini entered the Minor Seminary of St Charles Guildford in 1954 where he completed his secondary schooling before continuing with three years of study in Philosophy. He then went to Genoa (Collegio Brignoe-Sale) to study Theology and was Ordained there on 29 June 1964 by Cardinal Joseph Siri.
On returning to Australia he worked as an Assistant Priest in the Cathedral and various parishes of Perth before becoming Parish Priest of Kalgoorlie in 1974, where he stayed for seven years. He was Director of the Ministry to Priests Programme and Vocations Director in the Archdiocese of Perth for seven years from mid 1985.
He was Ordained Bishop of Geraldton on 19 May 1992, the principal ordaining prelate being Archbishop Hickey of Perth. Bishop Bianchini took for his Episcopal Motto 'IN OMNIBUS CARITAS' "In all things Love".
In February 2015 Bishop Bianchini wrote to His Holiness, Pope Francis, advising he would reach the Canonical age of retirement as the Bishop of Geraldton in 2016.
After celebrating 25 years as the Bishop of Geraldton, the longest in the history of the Diocese, the Ninth Bishop of Geraldton was announced on the 15th of May 2017.
After the Episcopal Ordination of Bishop-Elect, Michael Morrissey, on the 28th of June 2017, Bishop Justin Bianchini retired to Perth, W.A., to be close to his surviving siblings and family and to once again enjoy being 'pastorally involved' in peoples lives, without all the heavy responsibility that comes with the Episcopacy.