Sacred Heart Church
(Established: 1902)
Gwalia Street, Leonora WA

Administered by Mullewa Parish
Priest-in-charge: Fr Robert O'Bryan
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Mobile: 0457 980 852 

Mass Times
Sunday 9:00 am on 4th Sunday every two months
Reconciliation Times
30 Mins before Mass on 4th Sundays


LAVERTON  Christ the Resurrection
Administered by Mullewa Parish
Priest-in-charge: Fr Robert O'Bryan
Mobile: 0457 980 852 

Mass Times
Saturday 6:00 pm on 4th Sunday every two months
 Reconciliation Times
30 Mins before Mass on 4th Saturdays


altLEINSTER Assisi Peace Centre
Administered by Mullewa Parish
Priest-in-charge: Fr Robert O'Bryan
Mobile: 0457 980 852 

Mass Times
Sunday 4:30 pmon 4th Sunday every two months
Reconciliation Times
30 Mins before Mass on 4th Sundays

Leonora, Laverton and Leinster