Jubilee Year is a sign of reconciliation because it establishes a “favourable time” for conversion. In 2 Corinthians 6:2, the apostle Paul says, “As we work together with him, we urge you also not to accept the grace of God in vain. For he says, “At an acceptable time I have listened to you, and on a day of salvation I have helped you.” In keeping with the theme of Jubilee 2025, the call to be Pilgrims of Hope, as announced by Pope Francis, I am encouraging people both within and outside the Diocese of Geraldton to join that spirit of Pilgrimage within our own territory.
I hereby decree the following for the Diocese of Geraldton:
Three sites within the Diocese are formally dedicated as places of pilgrimage for the duration of the Jubilee Year. They are the Cathedral Church of St Francis Xavier in Geraldton; Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church including a visit to Mass Rock in Mullewa; and St Cecilia’s Church in Port Hedland.
With this document I decree that a Plenary Indulgence may be obtained under the following conditions: 1. Going to Confession and Communion within 20 days either side of a visit to either Pilgrim Church. 2. A visit to the Blessed Sacrament in either of these Churches. 3. Recitation of the Creed 4. Praying the Lord’s Prayer 5. Praying for the intentions of the Holy Father 6. Having a serious intention to avoid all attachment to sin.
Pilgrims are encouraged to discover other ways in which Indulgences may be gained during the Jubilee Year.
This Decree is to be published in all Parishes and becomes effective on Sunday February 2, 2025.
