St Brigid
(Date First Church built 1898)
(Date Parish was Established: 1894)
Cr. Attwood Street & Richardson Street
PO Box 82 Mt Magnet WA 6638
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pastoral Leader
Mrs. Cathy Jones
Mobile: 0447 634 186
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of these lands and call upon the Spirit of God who has been with us and our ancestors since the beginning and who is present with us to walk with us and we share and pray together. |
Liturgy Times
Mass - Sunday 10:30 am 3rd Sunday of the month
Celebration of the Word with Communion every other Sunday of the month 10:30am
Reconciliation Times
By request before or after Mass on 3rd Sunday
MEEKATHARRA Christ the King
Cnr of Darlot and High Street
Liturgy Times
Mass - Saturday 6.30pm Eve of 3rd Sunday of the month
Celebration of the Word with Communion one other Saturday of the month 6.30pm.
Please check town notice board, parish bulletin or ring 08 9963 4179
Reconciliation Times
By request before or after Mass on eve of 3rd Sunday of the month
CUE St Patrick's
Cnr Marshall & Dowley Street
Liturgy Times
8.00am Mass - 3rd Sunday of the month
8.00am Celebration of the Word with Communion 2nd Sunday of the month.
Please check town notice board, parish bulletin or ring 08 9963 4179
Reconciliation Times
By request before or after Mass on 3rd Sunday
Magnet, Meekatharra, Cue and Wiluna