We can support our Parish in many different ways. Joining in the Planned Giving system is one of the most efficient ways of helping the Parish to budget for its many needs for the year ahead. The Planned Giving system involves ONLY the Second Collection at Mass. (The First Collection covers the Diocesan Clergy Remuneration).

Do you wish to make a Pledge and support the Parish?
If so all you need to do is one or other of these:

  • Fill in a MY WEEKLY OFFERING card available at the church door and, using the envelope provided with it, drop it in the‚‚ Collection Plate. You will then receive a box of envelopes to commence your payments.
  • If you wish to pay by DIRECT DEBIT for whatever‚‚ payment rate you wish‚‚ to nominate the Direct Debit forms are available below.

Print one off, complete and sign it.
These forms cannot be emailed to us as‚‚ banks do not allow a printed signatures. Post or place the form into a Collection Plate.
Contact the office if you would also like a box of envelopes as well.

If you are already on the Planned Giving system and you want to continue. You do not need to refill out a Weekly Offering Card but if you are paying by Direct Debit and you put a closure date on the form, you will need to submit a new form.