
The archives of the Diocese of Geraldton is a private Archive.
Personal access to the archives is not available.


Archival search requests (e.g. genealogy research, historical events, historical places) are ordinarily not possible due to staff and time constraints. In exceptional circumstances (as determined by the Diocesan Archivist) a search can be undertaken with the following fees applying:

Other Archival Search Requests Fee (incl. GST):


Sacramental records search requests can be made under the following conditions:

A) Access to sacramental records created 75 years prior to January 1 of the current year is unrestricted.

B) Access to sacramental records created within the last 75 years is granted only to the individual to whom the record pertains or to a person who has legal responsibility for the individual (e.g. the parent of a minor child). ID is required. Legal documents demonstrating legal responsibility are required in the case of persons claiming legal responsibility for an individual whose sacramental records are being sought..

C) Official copies of sacramental records are issued only to the individual requesting his or her record or to a person who has legal responsibility for the individual (e.g. the parent of a minor child).

Archival Sacramental Search Fee (incl. GST):

PLEASE NOTE: No charges are incurred for sacramental record searches relating to persons requesting their own sacramental records for the purpose of receiving other Sacraments (e.g. Marriage, First Communion and Confirmation) or to be enrolled in a Catholic school.

Fr Robert Cross
+61 8 9921 3221
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