One simple thing the Incarnation means is that God is so near. There is an Irish saying €œThe help of God is as close as the door€. Imagine that! Sit on a chair and look at the door of the room. It is very close. God is not in some other Country or just in the capitals of our country or even downtown - but right here, right now.

As our Creator, God is close. The Incarnation is saying much more. It is God reaching out to us, being one with us in our human nature in the person of his Son.

Therefore when I turn to God for help, God is already there offering help.

When I ask for God€™s forgiveness, God IS there already just wanting to give it. There is no bargaining or grovelling required, but a lavish God bursting to give it. 

When I ask for guidance, the Holy Spirit is there, working within me already in so many ways.

My asking is just opening up myself to Jesus and his help, his forgiveness, and his guidance and power of the Holy Spirit.

Christmas - the Incarnation - is not just God reaching out 2,000 years ago and at certain times. It means now God is with us now. Jesus is there within us in the Presence and Power of his Spirit.

We don€™t even have to look to the door - just within ourselves. Jesus is all round us for sure - and equally within.

All that I have said about God€™s love for us, I believe is putting the horse before the cart. However the cart needs to follow, otherwise the picture or rather God€™s plan is not complete.
The cart I refer to is €˜love of others€™, and especially the care for the poor as Pope Francis keeps putting to us in many ways.
Because of Christmas and Jesus being intimately one with us, we now are the hands, the feet, the voice, the heart of Christ for others as St Teresa of Avila and many Saints tell us.
Whenever then we reach out to others, our loved ones and the needy, Christ truly reaches out in us to them.
A very happy Christmas to one and all.

                                                                                                                                                 + Bishop Justin