All that Benedict says is true because of Easter - the life giving presence of our Living Lord in us.

In fact Jesus'€™ Resurrection affects the whole cycle of our life. It colours everything. Because of his Resurrection we can say the whole of our lives have experienced a wave or even a Tsunami of God'€™s Grace.

Without the Resurrection there is nothing - no hope, no life, no future.

With our Risen Lord we know now that Jesus accompanies us through all the stages of the cycle of our lives. He is with us in all that happens in good times and in bad. In fact our Crucified and Risen Lord is with us each moment of each day.alt

Our Faith as it were superimposes all that on the whole cycle of life. Our Faith especially adds divine value and so much richness and hope to our already precious human life. 

Furthermore our human cycle of life does not end with death and corruption. It passes with Jesus into the Glory of the Resurrection and life without end.

This Easter may Jesus and all that he offers us affect more deeply our lives, whatever stage of it we find ourselves.